The profession as a tantra masseur fills your life with purpose, pleasure and peace.

Tantra massage isn't just about physical touch; it's about connecting mind, body, and spirit. Giving a tantra massage will benefit both you and your client.

In contrast to regular massage, tantra massage emphasizes the importance of connection and intimacy. Through the Art of Love’s education Tantra Massage Training, you'll learn how to establish deep connections with your clients, and to build trust and relaxation between you.

Learning tantra massage isn't just about acquiring skills; it's also about personal growth. It encourages self-awareness, mindfulness, and empathy, which can positively impact all aspects of your life.

Tantra massage techniques focus on awakening the senses and enhancing sensuality. By educating yourself in this field, you'll not only learn how to provide pleasure to others but also how to cultivate a greater sense of pleasure and awareness within yourself.

As society becomes more cold and stressful, there's an increasing demand for qualified tantra masseurs. By investing in this education you'll open up opportunities for a rewarding career helping others, sharing love and peace to the world.

As a tantra masseur, you'll have the opportunity to positively impact the lives of your clients by helping them release stress, tension, and emotional blockages. It's a profession where you can truly make a difference in people's lives.

Ultimately, becoming a tantra masseur isn't just about mastering a set of techniques—it's about diving into a transformative journey of self-discovery, healing, and connection.

If you're drawn to the idea of helping others experience deeper levels of pleasure, relaxation, and fulfillment, the Art of Love’s Tantra Massage Training is an incredibly rewarding path to pursue.

This is your curiculum:

Hi, I am Lin Lovely!

I am your guide through this course. I made this journey myself many years ago, and I am still surprised today how much pleasure is possible and how it affects everything I do.

I work all over the world as a tantra teacher and sex coach with men, women, couples and large groups. With a background as a yoga teacher, yoga therapist, masseuse, meditation teacher and NLP practitioner, I guide you into an exciting world of science and spirituality, deeply rooted in your body.

My driving force is a longing for a world of love and peace, and I know it begins within ourselves. I also believe in the prophecy that the leaders of the new age are women, and when you find your feminine essence and your capacity for pleasure, you are one of the pioneers of a new age. We will live in peace and happiness, with loving relationships, and we will give birth to children without pain. Welcome to a life-changing course.


Do you appreciate freedom?

This job makes you your own boss. You can choose where in the world you want to work, who you want as your client and if you want to work with talk therapy, hands on practices or online coaching. You are free to decide times, days, when and where - and create a life that suits YOU!

Do you like touch?

Learn how to master sacred bodywork and tantric massage and use it in your profession or just as a lover. You can choose to take this training because you have a beloved that needs your support in healing from trauma or to be the best lover to your self and to the people close to you!

Do you want independence?

You can use this training for private pleasure only or choose to make it your profession. This line of business is growing rapidly and there is a great opportunity to be financially independent. At the same time as you are contributing to a better world and the healing of mankind!