
You decide for yourself at what pace and in what way you want to complete the course. Start to plan dates where you will meet and go through the chapters of the course and create your own flow, combining different modules from the exercise bank, based on your current mood and your needs.  

You get the best result if you have a routine where you have certain days and times designated for your dates. This makes you really prioritize each other and the love you share.

Before you start the course, you should go into the section on communication and do the exercises that are there. You can then do these communication exercises at any time, it will deepen your pleasure and the experience of the course.


Make sure you have at least one hour at your disposal and if you want you can create a special atmosphere by playing the same music every time, having the same mattress, pillows, candles and scents. This creates an anchor that makes you go deeper every time you meet.


After your date, it is good if you put your experiences into words to each other. The most effective way for this is to have a so-called "sharing". A sharing is a predetermined number of minutes (4, 5 or 10 minutes) where one partner is just completely silent and listens while the other partner speaks completely freely without filters. If you do not want to speak, you can choose to be silent for all or part of your time. You can also let your partner take their minutes and openly share what they feel right now and what they experienced together during the date.

This course might give you many personal insights, and a good this is to keep diary during the period when you attend the course.

  • The course begins with a ritual, repeat that ritual at the beginning of each date.

  • The ritual is followed by a number of important basic exercises that you can do at the beginning of each date.

  • The first date you have should consist of the ritual and all three basic exercises followed by a sharing.

  • From your second date onward, you choose at least one basic exercise and add optional exercises from the rest of the course. You can choose exercise according to your needs for the day, maybe you need more energy, more peace of some sexual juiciness. If you have sexual blockages, you should refrain from penetration for a month. If sex is not a problem for you, you can let the energy flow into wonderful sex after your tantric date.

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